
Taking Control of Your Restaurant's Brand with Custom Online Ordering

online food ordering system for restaurants
Control your brand with Wilcu Online Ordering
In today's fiercely competitive restaurant industry, having a strong and consistent brand identity is more crucial than ever. Your brand is what sets you apart from the countless other options available to consumers, and it's what keeps them coming back for more. With the rise of online ordering, it's no longer enough to focus solely on the in-store experience; your brand must shine through across all touchpoints, including your digital presence.

The Importance of Maintaining Brand Identity and Customer Experience

Your brand identity is the essence of your restaurant - it's the unique combination of visual elements, messaging, and values that define who you are and what you stand for. A well-crafted brand identity builds recognition, trust, and emotional connections with your customers. In fact, a study by Lucidpress found that consistent branding across all channels can increase revenue by up to 23%.

Online ordering has become an integral part of the modern dining experience, with 60% of U.S. consumers ordering delivery or takeout at least once a week, according to a report by Upserve. As such, your online ordering platform serves as a vital extension of your brand, and it must seamlessly align with the experience customers have come to expect from your restaurant.

How Third-Party Apps Can Dilute Your Brand

While third-party delivery apps like GrubHub and UberEats have made it easier for restaurants to tap into the online ordering market, they come with a significant drawback: loss of control over your brand.

When customers order through these apps, they are exposed to a generic, one-size-fits-all interface that does little to showcase your unique brand identity. Your carefully crafted logo, color scheme, and menu descriptions are often lost in a sea of competing restaurants, diluting the impact of your brand.

Moreover, relying on third-party apps means surrendering control over the ordering experience itself. From the moment a customer places an order to the time it arrives at their doorstep, the entire process is in the hands of the delivery platform. Any mistakes or poor service reflect negatively on your restaurant, even if you had no direct involvement.
When you outsource your online ordering to third-party apps, you're essentially handing over the keys to your brand. You lose the ability to shape the customer experience and build direct relationships with your guests.
— Erin Sisson, Senior Brand Strategist at Vigor

The Benefits of Custom Online Ordering with Wilcu

online food ordering system for restaurant
Control your brand with Wilcu Online Ordering
Fortunately, there's a better way to take your restaurant online without compromising your brand: custom online ordering with Wilcu.
Wilcu's platform empowers restaurants to create a fully branded online ordering experience that seamlessly integrates with their existing website and visual identity. From the color scheme and typography to the menu layout and imagery, every element can be customized to align with your brand standards.

But the benefits go beyond just aesthetics. With Wilcu, you have full control over the ordering flow, allowing you to tailor the experience to your restaurant's unique offerings and processes. You can highlight featured items, promote limited-time offers, and guide customers through upsells and cross-sells, all while maintaining a cohesive brand narrative.

Custom online ordering also enables you to own your customer data, a critical asset for personalized marketing and relationship building. By having direct access to customer preferences and order history, you can craft targeted promotions, loyalty programs, and recommendations that keep them engaged with your brand.

How Wilcu Empowers Restaurants to Customize the Ordering Experience

Wilcu's intuitive platform makes it easy for restaurants to design a branded online ordering experience without any coding or technical expertise. The drag-and-drop menu builder allows you to create visually stunning menus that showcase your dishes in the best light, while the customizable ordering flow lets you guide customers through the process step-by-step.

For example, El Tapatio, a popular fast-casual chain, used Wilcu to create a custom online ordering platform that perfectly captured their fun, Latin cuisine brand. By incorporating their signature red and green color palette, vintage-style illustrations, and playful copy, they were able to create an ordering experience that felt like a natural extension of their in-store vibe.
online food ordering system for restaurant
Control your brand with Wilcu Online Ordering
With Wilcu, we were able to translate the unique essence of our brand into the online space. Our customers now have a seamless and engaging experience, whether they're dining in or ordering from their couch.
— Hector Villarreal, Business Owner of El Tapatio
Wilcu also integrates with leading POS systems and payment gateways, ensuring a smooth and efficient ordering process from start to finish. Automated order processing and real-time updates minimize errors and delays, while customizable notifications keep customers informed every step of the way.

In a case study by Toast, restaurants that implemented a branded online ordering system saw a 30% increase in order frequency and a 20% increase in average order value compared to those using third-party apps alone. By owning the online ordering experience, these restaurants were able to foster deeper connections with their customers and drive long-term brand loyalty.

Taking control of your restaurant's online presence with custom ordering is no longer a luxury - it's a necessity in today's digital age. As consumer expectations continue to evolve, restaurants that prioritize their brand identity across all touchpoints will be the ones that stand out from the crowd and thrive in the long run.

With Wilcu, you have the power to create an online ordering experience that not only reflects your unique brand but also elevates it to new heights. By combining seamless functionality with unparalleled customization, Wilcu empowers restaurants to take ownership of their digital presence and build lasting relationships with their customers.

Don't let third-party apps dilute your hard-earned brand equity. Take control of your online ordering with Wilcu and give your customers a truly memorable experience that keeps them coming back for more. Schedule a demo today and see how Wilcu can help your restaurant thrive in the digital landscape.
Don't let third-party apps dilute your hard-earned brand equity. Take control of your online ordering with Wilcu.

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